Hi, I want to thank all of you who took me up on my "buy none, get one free" offer last month for my new cd "Game Show Teeth." I'm glad so many of you have enjoyed it, and I appreciate that you wrote to let me know. For all of you who have heard my cd, and for the rest of you who have not, I have made my first ever music video. It's for the first ever song on the cd - "This Is a Song." I am fairly certain that you will all get at least a laugh from it. Strangely, it also turns out to be kind of educational. And according to several people who have seen it so far, it is "the most clever thing ever," or some approximation of that sentiment. Enjoy! http://vids.myspace.com/index.cfm? fuseaction=vids.individual&videoid=51596466 Mitch