One of your Canadian neighbors, Kev Lee formerly of Bum, came home from a rehearsal once to find his apartment building in flames... huge punk singles and live tapes collection gone. I have heard a few other fire or flood horror stories. Right before I moved to Montana, I was woken up one morning by an earthquake. My record shelves were bouncing off the wall. I jumped up, and leaned against them for a moment...I then went out side, to see waves splashing out of the swimming pool. Jud Cost said when he got home after the 1989 Quake, there was about three feet of vinyl piled on his office floor. I think he only had one or two records broken. It's fire that scares me, or the basement flooding. I've got everything up off the floor. I know it just an inch of water would run hundreds of records if I didn't have everything on pallets. Hard drives...will die sooner or later. rs Jaimie Vernon wrote: >Lee wrote: > > > >>Standard safety - for every external drive you buy - buy 2 more for >>backups. Rotate one of them off site to another location occasionally. >> >>I would recommend backing up manually - things can happen to trash your main >>drive - then an automated backup process copies the trashed version over - >>so now you have 2 trashed copies! the third off site drive helps here as >>well. >> >>You can get 3 terabyte external drives for less than $500. >> >> > >The apocalypse is at hand, dear music lovers. Never thought I'd see the day when THIS geek speak would be a necessity in relation to MUSIC. For the better part of 50 years the ONLY conversation about storing one's music collection dealt with how many shelves you needed (and where). In the last 5 years we not only concern ourselves with storing our music, but the fear of LOSING it. > >How many people do you know who've lost music collections in fires and earthquakes? How many people do you know who've lost music collections on hard drives? > >I'll take my chances with the fires and earthquakes, thank you very much. There's a greater chance I'll still have my music collection in 5 years if they're NOT on hard drives. > > >Jaimie Vernon, >President, Bullseye Records >CDs >MP3s >RADIO: >SWAG: > >Author, Canadian Pop Music Encyclopedia > > >PERSONAL >BLOG > > > > > >_________________________________________________________________ >So many new options, so little time. Windows Live Messenger. > >Detailed Audities-List information: >To manage your Audities List settings or unsubscribe: > > > > > -- Ronald Sanchez Director Of A&R Career Records Donovan's Brain