Not shameless. Well worth reading. Your Todd Rundgren comments were perfectly stated. Why he chose to not record that record with his touring bad was a bad decision. But Todd does what he pleases. Just saw "Slumdog" and it definitely will win best picture. What a fantastic film to watch. Keep us info freaks up to date with your countdown. > From: > To: > Subject: Shameless self promotion > Date: Fri, 23 Jan 2009 11:49:58 -0500 > > More "almost made my 2008 list" reviews, plus Oscar picks to not bet on. > Next week starts the countdown of the top 25 or 30 or 35 or... > > cheers... > b > > > > "Behind every great person there often lies a trail of human wreckage" > _________________________________________________________________ Windows Live™ Hotmail®:…more than just e-mail.