I'm surprised that you guys are still talking about this - it's definitely Yes. :) That's 100% Steve Howe in front, and Jon Anderson, who the singer looks like anyway, is to my knowledge the only singer sans instrument that Howe has played with (unless you count Trevor Horn on the Drama tour, but that's not him). And the stage setup, with the raised bridge area in the middle, is the way Yes used to do their "in the round" shows. Absolutely, 100% Yes. Happy New Year, everyone. J On Thu, Jan 8, 2009 at 3:33 PM, Paul Myers wrote: > I think it must be YES, didn't they used to do "In The Round" stage shows, > So that would be Jon Anderson in the centre raised circle, Steve Howe > playing a Gibson ES-175 hollow body with the cutaway, I'm not so up on my > years and rosters with Yes, so that's probably whoever was drumming on that > tour obscured on the left , and on the right there's a keyboard station but > I can't make out who's manning them (Moraz? Wakeman even?) and you can see > on the other side of the stage, facing away, the probable bass player most > likely Chris Squire. > -- www.theluxuryband.com www.myspace.com/theluxury