I still have my Starcastle LPs and recently downloaded 'Fountains Of Light' and 'Citadel' from eMusic. Good band, but not nearly as versatile or edgy as Yes was during the early to mid 70's. There's a new prog outfit called Moth Vellum that get a lot of Yes comparisons for similar reasons (singer with higher pitched voice, guitarist who mixes country,blues,classical elements etc...). Their first disc is pretty impressive and I understand a new one is due shortly.And while we're on the subject of Yes and fake touring bands, anyone out there happen to catch them on their current tour with a stand-in singer they recruited from a Yes tribute band? (It also appears that Rick Wakeman's son is taking over the family business playing keys for Yes) The reviews are actually pretty positive from what I've seen. Cheers,Lee> From: gabrielfuentes@fibertel.com.ar> To: audities@smoe.org> Date: Tue, 13 Jan 2009 16:34:06 -0200> Subject: starcastle..fake touring bands...aww..the 70s> > when i was home for the holidays I was loading up my ipod with all the Yes records I have..I remember during the late 70s..there was a midwest band that drew comparisons to Yes..does anyone remember Starcastle?...> _________________________________________________________________ Windows Live™: Keep your life in sync. http://windowslive.com/explore?ocid=TXT_TAGLM_WL_t1_allup_explore_012009