Not to be a d*ck, but just as was stated in the original post, it's like Lollipop Factory never left. I love harmonies...still...and I have tried and tried to like their first album and having heard the songs from the new one on myspace nothing has changed to entice me into the fold. They're tight as sh*t but the songs seem to be about how many chord changes they can throw out there and still have a remote semblance of a song. I'm sure there is a melody buried in the plethora of harmonies, which are all spot on, but as unlikely as it seems they become tiresome after the first couple of songs. Now having said that, they're coming to Atlanta soon and I'd love to hear these new songs without all the mush on top, just to see if the songs are being coated with harmonic syrup to make them have any flavor at all, or if they really have decent songs. Apologies to Don, and any fans out there; I can imagine what it's like to have a band you love come out with an album nearly ten years after the debut to have someone speak critically of it. However, listen to the myspace page for yourself. I wish the band all the luck in the world...and hope that one day they'll change those ridiculous outfits. ;-) later,joe