Hey All, Sadly don't have a Top 20 to contribute (spent too much time obsessing over my own new record this past year to investigate much else) but do have a few that have stayed in heavy rotation for a while here in my neck of the woods - Surprised I haven't seen more lists including Randy Newman's latest "Harps & Angels". Not exactly power pop but a great, great record in my humble opinion. Also really liked the Kelly Jones record, "SHEbang" and have been thoroughly enjoying Richard Julian's "Sunday Morning in Saturday's Shoes" of late. Happy 2009 to all! Best, Mark (who should really check out that Glen Campbell album & is looking forward to the new Davenports record - "Why the Great Gallop?" - Is that the title, Scott? Sorry.) _______________________ Mark Bacino www.popjob.com (Visit for a free downloadable track from the upcoming album, "Queens English")