Laurie, I just discovered The Frightened Rabbit's Christmas song. It comes as an alternate version with a choir, which I tried to download but it said it was sold out. How does a download become sold out? I'll keep checking because I collect cool Christmas songs. Sure you know about it. Because of you I downloaded the Attic Lights Christmas song. Actually have yet to receive the download, but I did the transaction on New Years Eve. Listened to the other songs on their Myspace and they were nice. Loved reading your list. It was worth the effort. Gene[ who still needs to do his list]. > Date: Thu, 1 Jan 2009 16:34:24 -0500 > From: > To:;;; > Subject: Lauree's top 10 2008 > > > > 1. Frightened Rabbit-Midnight Organ Fight/Liver! Lung! FR! > I'm combining the electric and live acoustic albums since no matter > how, where or when the songs are played, this album definitely rocked > my world this year. They were on my radar before I started prepping > for SXSW, but I must tell you, some times a live gig just punches you > in the gut. It was that Wednesday afternoon day show, where I was > feeling a bit glum, uncertain at how my experience of my first SXSW in > 13 years would go...a bit bummed to be on my own so-to-speak, but then > I realized I'm not sure if anyone would want to follow me all the > places I wanted to go. the amazing raw energy and emotion in these > songs and the performances that go into them is a lot like the raw > energy and emotion that's swirling in my head at any given moment. I > realize and recognize it daily. and while it's not necessarily the > same things Scott Hutchinson is writing and singing about, I can > completely identify with it. > > > 5. Attic Lights-Friday Night Lights > I have had a couple tracks from blogs and the one on emusic for a > couple months, but it wasn't until I was seriously sorting out my top > 10 that I just HAD to have this. And the other night, I wasn't going > to sleep until I did. I've listened to nothing more the last week than > this album. It's definitely help me out of the doldrums of December > 2008. And more than likely, it's another Scottish band that thinks I'm > some insane music freak/geek. > _________________________________________________________________ Life on your PC is safer, easier, and more enjoyable with Windows Vista®.