Hi Auditers, Many, if not all of you have never heard of me, or heard my music. But those that have seem to agree that my brand new cd "Game Show Teeth" might be worth your while. For a limited time only I am offering a special "Buy None - Get One Free" deal for whomever is interested in taking the musical plunge. Just send me an email with your mailing address, and I'll send you a copy. This is my fourth cd, and the third one for adults. I dabble in the bemused quirky pop/rock in a wide variety of styles genre, ala' They Might Be Giants, The Kinks, XTC, R. Stevie Moore, etc. In fact, Andy Partridge and Dave Gregory of XTC both play on my album, as does R. Stevie Moore. It also features Joe McGinty of NYC's Loser's Lounge, pop genius Andrea Perry, and John Dunbar of The Confederacy of Dunces fame. You can stream the whole thing at the following locations: http://mitchfriedman.com/game_show_teeth.html http://www.reverbnation.com/meechmusic http://www.myspace.com/mitchfriedman Happy New Ear, Mitch