I got.... * The link you are trying to visit has been disabled. * You have reached a link that is no longer in service. That means the link was very naughty, and, much like head lice, had to be eliminated before it spread. You may be asking yourself, 'Hey, what *was* it about that link that got it in trouble?' An excellent question! Usually, it's one of the following reasons: - *The link was spam! * No one likes spammers, and we don't like their links. - *You almost got phished! * There are people out there who want to steal your MySpace password. They want to log in as you and send spam, harass your friends, change your profile, and generally run amok. Phishing pages are usually designed to look like MySpace to trick you. Other sites may also ask for your MySpace login information to customize your profile, insert videos or slide shows, track visitors, or any number of other things.Don't make it easy for them. ONLY USE YOUR MYSPACE LOGIN INFO ON WWW.MYSPACE.COM !! - *Viruses are not fun! * Neither is adware, spyware, or malware. We cut the links to places that are known sources of infection. If you really did want to check out some spam, viruses, or phishing pages, we're really sorry to have interrupted. We're sure you can find it elsewhere. There's plenty on the Internet 2008/12/22 Maxine Dunn > Hello fellow Jelly friends, > > Tis asking for a little favour.... > > I am pleased to say my song THE LAST TO KNOW, entered the www.aiiradio > charts (Northern Ireland) last week for the first time at No2. > > > But it doesnt end there, I need your help.... if you dont mind promoting > oneself on here.... > > > To determine what chart position for the christmas show, I need you all to > go and vote and this is what you need to do. > > > Go to > > WWW. aiiradio. net > > You will see a list of songs, you need to listen to them and choose your > top 5 and then email them to > > vote@aiiradio.net > > Mark the email TOP 40 VOTES and send and I promise Santa will bring you > something nice this year - :) > > > Thanks guys - they need to be in by 5pm tomorrow UK (2pm Eastern time) > > Let me know if you vote and I really would appreciate your help in this. > > You may want to put my Sister (Rachael) in your TOP Five somewhere ------ > with her song "Falling Fast".. nothing like a bit of nepotism! :)))) > > Take Care and have a great Christmas. > > > > MaXi > > XXX > > > Maxi Dunn > www.myspace.com/maxidunn > > > ------------------------------ > Read amazing stories to your kids on Messenger. Try it Now! > ---- Jellyfish Mailing List (JELLY-L) List Manager: Chris Bray ( > cbray@uark.edu) Subscription information at > http://listserv.uark.edu/archives/jelly-l.html -- ______________________________________________________ Mongol Rally: Web: http://www.mongolrally2009.org/ Blog: http://mongolrally2009.blogspot.com/ YouTube: http://uk.youtube.com/user/mongolrally2009 JustGiving: http://www.justgiving.com/midlifecrisis2009 Great songs @ www.myspace.com/automatmusic www.last.fm/music/David+Doll www.daviddoll.com