Radio Zombie Newsletter December 25th 2008   Feliz Navidad, Jr. Zombies! Up now at are a plethora of fine holiday specials for your dining and dancing pleasure. Don River favours us with 2…count ‘em…2…Christmas Specials that run a total of 4 hours. That’s long enough for your crazy Uncle Filbert to get plowed on egg nog and rum balls, give your wife a Christmas Goose, and pass out in your favourite chair watching the Santa Bowl on TV. Along with Don’s offering, Jade Dunlop provides a Big Band Christmas like no other. All your faves, and a few surprises are wrapped up in colorful information and a bow of good cheer…and don’t forget Radio Zombie’s own take on Christmas, with a message of good will to one and all, and some holiday music you may never have heard before, including brand new tracks from the amazing Neil Chapman, a rare chestnut from The Temptations, Fourplay, and some proof that a couple of the Boy Bands we all made fun of could, and can, REALLY sing their butts off.   To all of you from all of us at Radio That Doesn’t Suck, Happy Holidays, good health, prosperity, and great times with your family and friends.   Great new shows coming in the New Year…at …and thanks for listening!   RZ