this was the year in which I purchased the least amount of music in my life- so here goes. 1. Bleu- A Watched Pot This one is not officially released, but Bleu gave me a copy in January at a From the Jam show in LA, so I am counting it. Whenever it comes out, I firmly believe it will make all of your top 20 lists as well. Great songwriting here, and his voice, what can you say. 2. Rick Springfield- Venus in Overdrive Half of this record is great. The other half is still better than most. I am unashamedly a Rick fan. I got to interview him for a local paper this year- very cool. 3. The Major Labels- Aquavia 4. Glen Campbell- Meet Glen Campbell Not much to say here, except that I hope that at 72 I can sound this good.And anything that has half of jellyfish playing on it cannot be bad. 5. The Black Crowes- Warpaint Just a well done rock album. rock, how I miss it. 6. She & Him- Volume 1 Better live than on cd, but my wife, kids and I have listened to this 100’s of times this year. 7. Stratocruiser – Egg Shells Have to mention this one. Took too long for us to put it out, but I am very proud of this group of demos that became a release. 8. Kevin Reeves- It’s About Time Met this guy at the Waterstone Open House/ Summer NAMM party, when he started singing impromptu backing vocals for Bleu… Great singer- good songwriter. Record is available for download on his website- 9.The Features- Some Kind of Salvation Digging the 180 gram vinyl. Not as good as Exhibit A, but who cares, it is good. 10.Daisy- It's About Time Not sure I bought many more "new" albums than this.... certainly none that have made it into any kind of rotation on my itunes library.... back to lurkdom-Happy Holidays to all. clay howard