Funny you should ask..I just put this together for a blog in New York: Luke Jacksonıs Top Ten Independent Scandinavian Pop Releases Of 2008 (in no particular order): Orphan Songs: Orphan Songs (Pennybags) Swedenıs Carl-Otto Johansson reflects on the break-up of his former band Eyedrop by assembling the ³Orphan Songs² the break-up left behind. Artisokka: Seabed (Azulejo Records) This Finnish band weave elements of jazz, lounge and pop folk into their delicate songs. Quite otherworldly. Twin Piloda: Brother Jona (Twin Piloda Records) The third album from Swedenıs Mċns Wieslander is sublime collection of pop songs, realized by producer Ola Frick of the Moonbabies. Vibeke Saugestad: The World Famous Hat Trick (Pop Detective Records) Osloıs first lady of power pop goes indie (with back-up from The Yum Yums) and delivers the bubblegum record of the year. Private Jets: Jet Sounds (Sparkplug Records) Stockholmıs Private Jets took six years to follow up their debut EP with an album that Beach Boys and Jellyfish fans will love. Labrador: Caleidoscope Aeroplane (Divine Records) Copenhagenıs Flemming Borby is the bastard lovechild of Marianne Faithfull and Serge Gainsbourg. Or so he says. Rhys Marsh And The Autumn Ghost: The Fragile State Of Inbetween (Better Place Recordings) Pieced together in studios around the world, this Norwegian released the dreamiest slice of progressive pop Iıve heard in ages. Billie The Vision & The Dancers: I Used to Wander These Streets (Love Will Pay The Bills) The fourth album in as many years from the adorable seven-piece from Malmö with the cross-dressing frontman. Frank Hammersland: So Easily Distracted (Kong Tiki Records) Popiumıs prolific frontman got a little country on his new solo album and I couldnıt be happier. Moi Caprice: We Had Faces Then (Glorious Records) Denmarkıs Moi Caprice just released their fourth album. Iım still getting into it. Happy listening! Luke