>Regarding Buckingham. I have picked up all but his latest disc over the >last few years. To my ears "Under the Skin" is his best solo by a long >shot. I say this in part per I was actually surprised by this. I think >it's a terrific and cohesive disc. So I'm just curious how other >people rate his solo efforts? Anyone care to weigh in? I'm a huge "Out of the Cradle" fan, personally, and of the two most recent albums, I think I prefer "Gift of Screws." But I'll always have a soft spot for "Go Insane." It was the first of his albums I ever bought, and I think I know just about every groove of it. On a related note, I was thrilled to be able to talk to Lindsey recently. I didn't get to chat for nearly as long as I would've liked, of course, but it was still a blast: http://www.bullz-eye.com/music/interviews/2008/lindsey_buckingham.htm Best, WILL