> At 21 Oct 2008 Steven McTowlie wrote: > > And not even a mention from Jamie about the real wild child, Frankie Venom! > > http://jam.canoe.ca/Music/Artists/T/Teenage_Head/2008/10/16/7104351-sun.html > > I was there the night... aw, nevermind. I was hoping the erudite Mr. Gary Pig Gold would post his recollections here first having been intimately associated with Teenage Head back in the days when commuting from his homebase in Mississauga to Hamilton to be part of the Hammer Music Scene was akin to walking to school everyday. For those unfamiliar with the band, I can proudly say they were Canada's equal to the Ramones -- same time period, same energetic song catalog, and same rabid fanbase. Others who ARE familiar with IPO mainstay Dave Rave have probably heard the Raver play the band's biggest radio hit, "Let's Shake", on many occasions. Dave was in rockabilly outfit The Shakers at the same time as Teenage Head were sowing their wild oats. The two bands often toured together and there was a friendly Beatles/Stones rivalry going on between the two acts which made for some high-octane double-bills and 7" single releases. Dave had previously played in a high school band with Head's late singer Frankie Venom (who was a DRUMMER then) alongside future guitarist-turned-producer-to-the-stars Daniel Lanois. I believe Frankie hung up the drumsticks on a drinking dare and co-founded Teenage Head....while Dave did The Shakers thing, keeping Lanois close at hand to co-produce their first album along with Jack Richardson (of Guess Who fame). Dave was often brought to the studio to supplement rhythm guitar and backing vocal parts on Teenage Head records and was occasionally brought on tour in later years as a 'Fifth Beatle' before being asked to permanently join the band as lead singer and second guitarist when someone convinced Frankie Venom that he could be a solo superstar without Teenage Head. Needless to say, Frankie's career went nowhere without the band while Teenage Head thrived for two more records without Frankie. Eventually Dave formed the Dave Rave Conspiracy with the aforementioned Gary Pig, and Frankie rejoined Teenage Head where he's been until his untimely death from throat cancer this week. The band was currently touring a greatest hits REMAKE with Ramones drummer Marky Ramone. I bid on the rights to this album nearly 4 years ago (along with the rest of their back catalogue), but it was scooped up by Sonic Unyon. I recommend picking it up....it's the best Frankie ever sounded on record...and is a formidable swan song to be remembered by. Venom (aka Kerr) lived the quintessential rock and roll life style. He lived hard, he played hard....sex, drugs, rock and roll and some jail time to boot. Sometimes simultaneously. He didn't suffer fools gladly and was quick to separate those fools from their money or beer or both. I was reminded this week by Zero (guitarist) for The Kings about a classic Frankie retort during a summer festival several years ago where Teenage Head, The Kings and Honeymoon Suite shared a bill with Mike Reno from Loverboy and Alannah Myles. Backstage the lead singer for Honeymoon Suite was lamenting the drab catering service, the lack of change room and the fact that no one toured for months on end anymore on buses or jets like when all of them first got their big breaks...it was just 'do a gig, pack up, get paid, go to bed early, get to the next town' for short 5 or 10 day jaunts. Frankie listened to the singer moaning about how 'bad' the times were for a guy who had NEVER held down a day job now and said snidely, "You wouldn't be whining about being a rock star now would you, Johnnie?" Gary....and Segarini....how about some Head stories? Jaimie Vernon, President, Bullseye Records CDs http://www.bullseyecanada.com MP3s http://www.bullseyesongs.com RADIO: http://www.radiothatdoesntsuck.com BLOG http://www.myspace.com/bullseyecanada SWAG: http://www.cafepress.com/bullseyecanada Author, Canadian Pop Music Encyclopedia http://jam.canoe.ca/Music/Pop_Encyclopedia/ PERSONAL http://www.jaimievernon.com _________________________________________________________________