I think some of you might really enjoy this.. it's the brain child of Chris Earl aka (indie pop maverick)The Squires Of The Subterrain, along with Wendella Mermelstein. These incredibly silly but charming NO Budget webispodes run about 3.5 - 5 minutes each, all featuring a brand new tune. I believe I have both a new favorite tv show & band. "Whoa Whoa Yeah Yeah" might be the catchiest song.. EVER. Per the Squire, more episodes & a full length soundtrack cd are in the works, hopefully fan club membership is not far behind.. enjoy! http://www.squiresofthesubterrain.com/onthego.html what's a Monkees homage without a cereal commerical?? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QDRRMzBsFGo - Dan McKenzie