Part of the Nines' mail list that I thought might be of interest to the group: Steve Eggers has a new demo up on Youtube and Myspace, tentatively called "Laura, Maybe she's the one". Check it out Steve played a great mini set with Mike Viola and Kelly Jones a couple weeks back at Joe's Pub in NYC. Steve played Lonely Boy (Andrew Gold) with Mike and Holiday Road (Buckingham) with Mike and the full band. Steve also did 2 solo songs, playing "Marigold" and "Goodnight My Love". Eggers said "I am a big fan of his stuff and I am kicking myself that I hadn't heard his music before now. Had a great time first meeting him and it was fun playing the gig on his birthday. Kelly was great too. Mike and I are talking casually of maybe trying to do something in the future, like a mini tour or writing...we'll see ". _________________________________________________________________