If "Quadrophenia" lands you on Uncool Island, then hand me my coke-bottle eye glasses. Nothing about that album is uncool. Nothing. Sent from my BlackBerry® smartphone with SprintSpeed -----Original Message----- From: "Jeff" Date: Tue, 7 Oct 2008 16:18:57 To: Audities Subject: Welcome to Uncool Island! Dave S. wrote: >Which just goes to show us, once again, that one man's floor is another man's ceiling. Now, I love a lot of the stuff touted on this list - and I love simple 3 chord rock and roll (from Buddy Holly to Green Day), Beatles A-Z, new wave and punk from Costello to Ramones to XTC, and quite a lot of power pop 70s to today. But I also love "BIG", overproduced songs - what you are calling overblown. "Born To Run" is one of my favorite songs/albums of all time, in fact Springsteen's work up until around Born in the USA is one of my favorite catalogs. And while I am no Meatloaf fan, I love "Paradise by the DBL" - it makes me smile, not gag. Of course, I also am a fan of "Scenes From An Italian Restaurant", Tommy, Quadrophenia, the second side of Abbey Road, the suite from Chicago 2, etc. Maybe because I grew up in a house where my parents often played their "West Side Story" and Rodgers/Hammerstein records...? Hell, I even enjoy some early Kansas, Genesis and Yes at times (I say early - I have zero interest in just about anything Phil Collins or after the mid 70s). Am I now banished to the "uncool" island? ;-) >Dave I say: Welcome to "Uncool Island" Dave! It's great to have you as a neighbor. We try not to think of ourselves as "banished", but I think it's always at least somewhere in the back of our minds. I'm tellin' you though man, we have the BEST parties. If there's anything we can do to help you get settled in, please just say the word. It's a big island and there's always room for more. jeff teez Hospitality Director NP: Styx, "The Grand Illusion"