Just a little spamming reminder! PRE ORDERS ACCEPTED NOW! http://www.tallboyrecords.com/item110.html We are offering a pre-order bonus up until the official release date of October 7th. Why drag out pre-release hysteria? Let's just cut to the chase! Order the cd from now until Oct. 7th, and you will receive a little 5 (plus surprise!) track cd-r with a few cover songs and a couple of extra tracks. And while you're at it, why not check out all the other wonderful release TallBoy Records has to offer? We are working on some updates and better links, but until then, feel free to poke around and follow links to more info about the bands. Naturally, this cd will be offered at Not Lame, Jam, and Kool Kat as well Don't worry about where you buy it, just buy it! We JUST got copies of "The Long Now" from UPS today. We are awaiting the bonus cds, due Saturday or Monday, and then all pre-orders will go out in the mail. Thanks for all the support so far! Anna Borg AIM: cakeab TallBoy Records P.O. Box 27757 Los Angeles, CA 90027-0757 http://www.tallboyrecords.com http://www.myspace.com/anna23