<< I think it's the way to go, Matt. I don't think people have the patience for full albums anymore IMHO Wasn't this how it was in the 60s? >> Albums WERE indeed how it was, in the late Sixtes at least Kevin. From very roughly "Blonde on Blonde" and "Freak Out" onwards, uninterrupted two (and yes, Four!) -sided listening experiences became the state-of-the-art, not to mention all those cool pictures and/or lyrics 'n' liner notes on the cover that kept the eyes as entertained as the ears. But at least since the advent of "shuffle play," and certainly since playback went all digital, it's right back to "the Song is the Thing" .....and in many ways, that's a-ok imho. Still, the fine lost art of album sequencing has gone the way of the mix tape, I suppose, and there are a growing number of film editors/directors who feel DVD chapters are having the same (vile?) effect on the motion picture experience. Me? I'm busy loving the new Glen Campbell (LP!!) too, so I roll with the flow as always, Gary (in Medleyville)....... www.lostinthegrooves.com/gary61