"Time copy" by 357 Lover ( http://www.myspace.com/357lover ) has Queen moments. 2008/9/6 Your Pal Chris Mal > Spot-on, Jenny! If you want a compilation of Queen-sounding songs, there > no reason to make anything but an entire CD of Valensia. As many people out > there who love Queen, I am always amazed how many Queen fans have never even > heard of Valensia. The guy is a freaking genius. He often gets criticized > for trying to sound so much like Queen - but who cares? What's wrong with > sounding like Queen??!?!?! Plus, Queen is but a memory at this point, so > it's nice to hear someone so closely carrying on with the Queen torch, so to > speak. > > Someone also mentioned Robby Valentine. He also has a love for Queen, and > has a number of great Queen-like tracks. Like Valensia, RV does not hide > the fact that he's a Queen die-hard and attempts to capture the Queen magic > on many songs. In fact, RV and Valensia did a CD of music together which > was titled, appropriately, "V". > > Your Pal, > Chris Mal > > In a message dated 9/4/2008 12:13:18 A.M. Eastern Standard Time, Jenny > Mcclintock writes: > > Just about anything by Valensia would fit nicely into a Queen-like mix, > e.g., Gaia, Terre, Scaraboushka, T'Kyllah. > > When it comes to Queen, Valensia wears his heart on both sleeves. So much > so that he comes off more like a tribute band than an influenced artist. > > ... plus he has an entire album of Queen covers. > > > > > > ------------------------------ > Psssst...Have you heard the news? There's a new fashion blog, plus the > latest fall trends and hair styles at StyleList.com > . > ---- Jellyfish Mailing List (JELLY-L) List Manager: Chris Bray ( > cbray@uark.edu) Subscription information at > http://listserv.uark.edu/archives/jelly-l.html -- ______________________________________________________ Great songs @ www.myspace.com/automatmusic www.last.fm/music/David+Doll www.daviddoll.com