I thought this would be amusing to you all. The other day, in one of the many newspapers of BA, the had a full page add of all the major concerts coming up between now and the end of the year. The list was fairly long and included Madonna, Motley Crue, Boy George, Iron Maiden, a couple of festivals that featured BRMC, Stone Temple Pilots, and Queen with Paul Rodgers (after 27 years!). While one can argue about how big these concerts are from a US perspective, they are big to Argentines since they do not get many big shows. What was funny regarding the list was buried in the middle of the list of big shows was..MARKY RAMONE. I got a chuckle but what really made me laugh was that beside each artist, they had the venue and the price for a ticket. So, for example, for Madonna the ticket is going for over 700 pesos at the River Plate Stadium, Queen will be about 600 pesos at the Velez Sarsfield stadium etc etc. To get an idea of the cost in US dollars, just divide by 3. Okay, well in this list, for Marky they had him listed as playing in a bar and the price of the ticket was about $1.50 USD. I am taking a little bit of license on the price, but you get the picture. Marky gets no respect!