For Your Consideration.   One the rare occasion the conversation turns to who is the best songwriter in Shoes, the Consensus usually is Gary Klebe. With "Too Late" leading the charge it makes it hard to argue, but I always though that each had an album or two where one was the dominate songwriter. For fun, I've broken down (IMO) which Shoe wins which album in their catalog.     BLACK VINYL SHOES   Winner: JOHN   Gary wins the battle with the best song " She'll Disappear" but the war is between John & Jeff with John getting the slight edge with "Okay" (but the single mix is better),"Boys Don't Lie" ,"Someone Finer" & finally "Fatal" with it's glorious hand claps tips the scale to him.   PRESENT TENSE   Winner: GARY   This is probably the closest race of all but in the end it between Gary  & Jeff with Gary's section of "Three Times" being the tie breaker & the fact that "Too Late" maybe the  greatest song in Shoes cannon doesn't hurt.   TONGUE TWISTER   Winner: GARY   This one is a little easier, Jeff by quantity, might have my favorite batch of tunes on this album but with the 1-2 punch of "She Satisfies" & Girls Of Today" (especially on the CD! ) followed by a "Yes Or No" upper cut it's Gary in a knockout.   BOOMERANG    Winner: JEFF   This is another tuffy that ultimately turns into another battle of the Brothers Murphy. Even though this album contains one of the most unhearlded of all Shoes tunes, John's sublime "Tested Charms" Jeff muscles up with "Mayday", "Bound To Be A Reason" and the beautiful "Summer Rain " to win the day.   SILHOUETTE    Winner: JOHN   This is one has John as the clear cut winner with "Twist & Bend It" being the top tune here while "Push Comes To Shove", "Turnaround" & "Bound To Fade" are no slouches either.     STOLEN WISHES    Winner: JEFF   Another tough battle between Jeff & Gary, it's neck & neck for the first half of the album but Jeff comes on strong at the end with "I Don't Know Why" & "Love Is Like A Bullet" to bring it home.   PROPELLER    Winner: GARY      This is another Gary vs John donnybrook. John's "Tore A Hole" might be the best track on the disc but Gary just has too much with "Animal Attraction" , "The Last Of You" ,(maybe Gary's best Ballad.) & "Never Ending".