Michael Coxe wrote about his daughter bringing his attention to Beula's song "If We Can Land A Man On The Moon Surely I Can Win Your Heart". That YouTube video link reminded of a song that I had forgotten about. Thanks for sharing Michael. I can't recall if the band Sex Clark Five was mentioned here before (I thought that they were) but I'm not liking this album as much as I thought that I might. This actually may be out of character for me on Audities as I usually only write about artists that I enjoy instead of wasting my time on acts that don't do anything for me. Their new album is probably one of the few out there right now in the marketplace that has more songs packed onto one CD than any other act. I didn't check the CD player but for all I know it clocks around 79:50 to fill up the disc. All those songs and not one grabbed me. There were some nice touches here and there with drumbeats and handclaps but not a single melody or hook to keep me interested. It may be that I'm still on a high after returning from IPO that has clouded my judgement on new discs upon coming back to Hawaii. I'll give it another listen next week but for now...I'm not thrilled. Anyone digging it or disliking it? Aloha, Michael McCartney KEAO FM / KONI FM / KPMW FM / KTOH FM http://www.TheTimeMachine.fm http://www.myspace.com/thetimemachineradioshow Now Playing: "Fixed Gear Bike" - The Liking Strikes