Just got my review copy today and I am loving it! I know someone posted earlier that it isn't all great shakes, but it is sounding to me like he's really involved this time, and firing on as many cylinders as can be expected out of this once broken man. Is it as great as his best Beach Boys stuff? No. Can't be after all he's went through. But, if there's any one artist who deserves comeback of the century it is Mr. Brian Wilson. What he and his sympathetic friends have been able to do to rebuild his career has been nothing short of extraordinary. He'll probably never have a hit song again, but damn if these songs sound like they couldn't BE hits if promoted properly. He sounds like he's having fun (especially on the spoken word interludes on the album), his voice sounds more confident than ever, and the tunes are better than any he's put out in a long, long time. I would say this is his best solo album - at least, it's my pick as his best. Between this and the subline Dennis Wilson set, it's been a glorious Beach Boy summer. Scott Homewood