In the early days of "Sneak Previews," (when it was still local in Chicago), Gene & Roger used to do speaking engagements to talk about films and film history. They often came to the community college down the street of my house. I probably saw them 7-8 times. There was generally a discussion theme and then Q&A afterwards. Some of the arguments were spectacular. But they were always entertaining and highly interesting. -----Original Message----- From: [] On Behalf Of Gene Good Sent: Friday, July 25, 2008 2:07 PM To: Cc: Amy Overby Subject: Ebert I just sent a wonderful article written by Roger Ebert from today's Sun Times. It really gives some interesting background to the origin of the show, his relationship with Siskel. I did not remember them on Johnny Carson. Or that Bob Hope and Danny Thomas did skits on them. Some of you have expressed how you enjoyed the show. Take the time and read this. As long as I can remember, I have been an Ebert fan. I love how he writes. It did not mattered if I agreed with him. He turned me on to my first Bergman movie ["Virgin Spring"].And because it was a festival I went back and saw 5 more. He turned me on to Claude Chabrol, the French master of suspense. And because it was a festival I went back and saw 6 more. He interviewed Chabrol and one of the director's quotes was "Nothing like a good murder". Roger also turned me on to Rivette, Bresson, Ozu, and the great Eric Rohmer. The Friday addition of the Sun Times was anticipated by me like a Mojo in the mail. I remember reading his review of "Taxi Driver" the day it opened. I stopped reading , and went to see it that day. I stumbeled out of that theater ln a daze. What an experience. Roger also loved horror movies. He wrote about them like he wrote about classic movies. With warmth, humor, and humanity. The tv show was a terrific way to watch him in action. I enjoyed Gene as well. But Roger was the man.I hope he recovers soon and returns to a new show. I will miss it dearly. Gene _________________________________________________________________ Stay in touch when you're away with Windows Live Messenger. senger2_072008========================================================== ============= Detailed Audities-List information: To manage your Audities List settings or unsubscribe: This email and any attachments contain information from Baker & Taylor which may be confidential, privileged and/or protected by other legal rules. If you are not the intended recipient, you are hereby advised that any disclosure, copying, distribution or use of the contents of this email is prohibited. If you have received the email in error, please notify us by reply email immediately and then delete the email and your reply from your email system. NOTE: Baker & Taylor accepts no liability for the contents of this email. This email shall not operate to bind Baker & Taylor to any contract, order or other obligation.