As a fan of the long running show as well...I'm sad to see it go. I watched it from the mid seventies on PBS. Not sure if Hawaii started carrying it immediatley but it seems like we had the show for four to five years of the seventies. I must admit that the writing has been on the wall for the last few months. I really didn't appreciate the tweaking of the format that worked fine for over thirty years of just plain talk and movie clips. The new graphics and constant plugging of what was coming up was not appreciated simply because it was eating up their conversation time. I did like what they did the last two years after Roger Ebert's surgery of rotating guest critics for Richard Roeper to talk with. I really enjoyed it when Roger's substitutes were people from within the entertainment business with Aiysha Tyler and Kevin Smith being my favorite return guests. As mentioned as a rumour in the press...there is a possibility that both Roger and Richard will return with a show. How Roger will do this after his surgery has left him speechless is something interesting and compelling to me. Whatever the outcome...I will be there as a viewer. Kicking a habit for over thirty years is extremely tough. Ask any of my friends who can't figure out why I still watch every single episode of "Saturday Night Live" since the show aired. *lol Aloha, Michael McCartney KEAO FM / KONI FM / KPMW FM / KTOH FM Now Playing: "Heroes" - The Well Wishers *Fantastic new song from The Well Wishers upcoming release. Thanks Jeff for the link earlier this week!