Aaron Milenski wrote: > Funny...that's my review you linked to. Ah, Hi Andrew, So this blogger just copied the review from the "Acid Archives". http://members.tripod.com/~lysergia_2/AcidArchives/ Didn't know that was your site - excellent research - I've run across your discographies before. > This album was also released on the famous tax scam label Tiger Lily > under the songwriter's name: "Billay." Morris Levy, right? Sopranos fans might know him as "Hesh", tho Levy was not nearly as charming as the cable character. I found this interview about the tax scam labels: http://www.shit-fi.com/Interviews/AaronMilenski/AaronMilenski.html > As far as I know, this is their only recording. I assumed that was so. I also read somewhere they were from Phildelphia. - Michael