Hi Auditeers! You haven't heard from me in a while, but I have a request for your help, and it's one I think you might like. My pals in the band The Luxury (http://www.theluxuryband.com) are in the running to open for freakin' Coldplay, in an online contest sponsored by a local radio station. Amazingly, they're in SECOND PLACE right now, and are within 30 or so votes of capturing first, at least as of this writing. Which is good news for power pop, as far as I'm concerned. I think Audities would LOOOOOVE this band, and -- assuming I'm right about that -- it would be great if you could help me help them win. It's quite simple, and you can only vote once so I won't keep pestering you. You can check them out AND vote for them all in one place: http://coldplayontour.com/wfnx/ Hit the button below the second video on the page. Yes, the button underneath the second video down from the top. And please feel free to take that link and re-blog, post, tweet, email, what have you. I'd love to see them win it. They sure are nice people. And I am told that if you don't vote for The Luxury, you hate freedom. At least, that's what I've heard. Thanks in advance for your help! Voting ends tomorrow night. I'll keep you posted. :) Pop on, Andrea PS - I vote for keeping the name "Audities." :)