Sounds good to me too, altough i would write my reviews in german!!! Best Robert, the Swiss 2008/6/30 Sam Smith : > I've been sitting on this idea for awhile, and it seems like now is a good > time to broach it. So here goes. > > With all the music knowledge we have here, and considering all the people > who write about music, what's say we start a team blog? > > * It would be a great way for those who don't have their own outlet > to get off the ground. > * Those who are writing could use it to x-post and drive more > traffic for their existing efforts. > * The promotional value would be through the roof. We can work > together to use social networking tools like Digg to draw more > attention. > * We'd host it at Wordpress so it wouldn't cost anything. > * It's easy to set up, use and administer. > > I've done something similar with my politics and culture blog and this is an > area where 10 people together can accomplish a LOT more than 10 people > working independently. > > Given the core Audities power pop thing the site would probably lean in that > direction, but we could write about other genres as well - seems like a lot > of us have pretty broad tastes anyway. There wouldn't be any need to police > the boundaries for the most part - we'd just bill it as a community of > people who love music and go from there. > > This wouldn't replace what we already have going with the e-mail list - > instead, the two would complement each other nicely. > > What do you think?