The joy that is myspace has turned me onto a lot of bands all over the US, but even more so in the UK and the rest of the world. Myspace has its downsides, sure, but I can't help but be thankful for it. Last October, I got a request from The Underclass. And to be fair, I listen to every song on a band's myspace when considering the add. Some bands, it takes only 30 secs or so to know if I will absolutely love them or not. I do get many requests that just aren't my cuppa. However, I've been pretty fortunate in getting some real good ones. extra credit goes to the bands who write a note with their request, explaining how they found me or even just saying hello. at any rate, I'm not sure why I revisited their page the other day. Perhaps they were mentioned on a blog or website that is fed into my google reader. (I've finally caught on to the joy of a feed reader. and it's joyous!) I'm really diggin' these tunes from the young Manchester boys, The Underclass. truth is, I don't know their ages, I know they're much younger than me! I think they've only released the single in the UK, but I saw it on emusic and downloaded it. however, there's a labeling issue with the songs and you won't get exactly what the tracks say they are. It's being sorted out now, but I'm not sure when it will happen. here's their big single "Tomorrow is Now" and then here's a video of them in the studio of a song called "Lost & Found" I'm not sure what their complete story is, but I like what I'm hearing and I can't wait to hear more!! lauree -- music photos myspace blog