----- Original Message ----- From: "Bill Douglas" > Anybody want to chime in on early favorites at this > (hard to believe already) midpoint of 2008? C'mon, > let's talk about music! Bearing in mind that there's a number of things I haven't gotten to yet (Sloan, Sparks, the Fleet Foxes full-length, that Bon Iver album I keep hearing so much about, etc.), here's some current faves, in alphabetical order: FIXATION PROTOCOLS--The Capstan Shafts (as noted last week, stripped-down DIY pop songs a la Guided By Voices) MOMOFUKU--Elvis Costello (the most fun he's allowed himself to have on record for ages) TROUBLE IN DREAMS--Destroyer (yet another solid effort, and probably their most immediately accessible album yet) VISITER (sic)--The Dodos (probably my favorite new discovery of the year so far, largely-acoustic folk rock with a noisy edge) CSI: AMBLESIDE--Half Man Half Biscuit (new album from arguably my favorite band of all time) THE PORTRAIT IS FINISHED AND I HAVE FAILED TO CAPTURE YOUR BEAUTY--Hello Blue Roses (side project by Dan Bejar of Destroyer/New Pornographers, with himself on music and instruments and his girlfriend on lyrics and vocals, with an unexpected mid-'80s UK feel a la Prefab Sprout, Aztec Camera or early Everything but the Girl) LONG GONE AND NEARLY THERE--Julie Ocean (terrific debut album from DC pop vets that hasn't gotten its due yet) CATHEDRAL SQUARE PARK--The Lackloves (strong return to form after a couple of rather lackluster albums) GET BETTER--Lemuria (solid, unpretentious indie rock in the Merge Records tradition) FALLING OFF THE LAVENDER BRIDGE--Lightspeed Champion (leader of noisy UK post-punk-revival act the Test Icicles unexpectedly goes acoustic and countryish) DISTORTION--The Magnetic Fields (Stephin Merritt gets nostalgic for PSYCHOCANDY) FLIGHT OF THE KNIFE--Bryan Scary and the Shredding Tears (wildly over the top '70s-FM-pop-inspired art rock goofiness) VOLUME ONE--She and Him (I fully expected to hate this, but you can't argue with a song like "Why Do You Let Me Stay Here," which may end up my single of the year) PHYLACTERY FACTORY--White Hinterland (new album from local-to-me singer/songwriter Casey Dienel, who for some reason decided to stop recording under her own name) THE WHITSUNDAYS--The Whitsundays (Canadian indie-electronic act heavily inspired by late-era Zombies and '60s sunshine pop)