I've been sitting on this idea for awhile, and it seems like now is a good time to broach it. So here goes. With all the music knowledge we have here, and considering all the people who write about music, what's say we start a team blog? * It would be a great way for those who don't have their own outlet to get off the ground. * Those who are writing could use it to x-post and drive more traffic for their existing efforts. * The promotional value would be through the roof. We can work together to use social networking tools like Digg to draw more attention. * We'd host it at Wordpress so it wouldn't cost anything. * It's easy to set up, use and administer. I've done something similar with my politics and culture blog and this is an area where 10 people together can accomplish a LOT more than 10 people working independently. Given the core Audities power pop thing the site would probably lean in that direction, but we could write about other genres as well - seems like a lot of us have pretty broad tastes anyway. There wouldn't be any need to police the boundaries for the most part - we'd just bill it as a community of people who love music and go from there. This wouldn't replace what we already have going with the e-mail list - instead, the two would complement each other nicely. What do you think? -- _______________________ *Sam Smith* * » RazzberrySync Mobile, Inc. * *: Principal* * » Black Dog Strategic * *: President* * » Lullaby Pit * *: Editor* * » Scholars & Rogues * *: Editor* *voice:* *303.229.0619 /m* *skype**:** * docsammy22 *usps**:* 5132 Grey Wolf Pl. Broomfield CO 80023 *aim:* lullabypit *e-mail:* sam@estreet.com /"...it's a lonesome thing to be passing small towns with the lights shining sideways when the night is down, or going in strange places with a dog nosing before you and a dog nosing behind, or drawn to the cities where you'd hear a voice kissing and talking deep love in every shadow of the ditch, and you passing on with an empty, hungry stomach failing from your heart." - John Millington Synge /