Yeah, I just mentioned this one the other week... a classic indeed! My favorite chapter has to be the one with his internal dialogue going on about writing liner notes to Phil Collins 25 greatest love songs... I was laughing so hard I was crying... I've recommended this book with the warning that it has an unfortunate side-effect of acting as a diuretic. Someone else recently mentioned two books by Don and Jeff Briethaupt: "Precious and Few" (Early 70's pop) and "Night Moves" (Later 70's pop) ....and these two are also well worth time looking for (You can get them cheap on Amazon) Absolutely hilarious stuff! -------------- Original message -------------- From: "Holmes Online" > If you haven't read Dan Kennedy's ROCK ON, you must...a hilarious inside > look at working at a major label (Atlantic) in the recent dying days, which > I can validate as dead-on accurate from my prior personal experiences with a > bloated Columbia Records in the 80s. The chapter on witnessing an Iggy Pop > show is worth the price of the book and of those essays that > makes me realize I rarely write as well as I think I do. > > I'll bet many on this list will laugh out loud several times and probably > recognize themselves and others in the story. > > b >