What's that? You say you like mid-period Guided By Voices in theory -- buncha guys from Ohio with faux British accents and fuzzboxes distilling the Who and the Kinks into under-two-minute chunks -- but you found the records themselves too sloppy, too noisy and too unedited? What you need are the Capstan Shafts. Seriously, the Capstan Shafts' second album FIXATION PROTOCOLS (out now on Rainbow Quartz) is basically the album Robert Pollard and crew could have made in between ALIEN LANES and UNDER THE BUSHES, UNDER THE STARS but didn't: practically every one of these 22 songs is under two minutes long (the whole album is over in less than 30 minutes) and consists of loose, scrappy little guitar pop tunes under punny, non sequitur lyrics delivered in a midwestern approximation of a British accent. It's quite homemade-sounding (the Capstan Shafts are one guy, Dean Wells), but home recording equipment has improved considerably since the days when Guided By Voices were working with a cassette four-track with one broken track, so the hiss and tape glitches are largely eliminated, and Wells seems to have a better internal editor than Pollard did, so even the songs that are 48 seconds long sound fully constructed. If this sounds at all appealing, do check it out. I really liked it even despite the general lack of novelty. S