On the book front i've just finished "Howling at the moon" by Walter Yetnikoff about his time at CBS. Very enjoyable. 2008/6/22 : > I couldn't resist: > Here's a sampling of the "Night Moves" book I mentioned... The chapter on punk ends with these questions: > Anti-Matters: 5 unsolved mysteries of the punk era > 1) Is the Queen in fact a "human bein'? > 2) Given the excess of bodily fluids involved in the punk lifestyle, wouldn't Sid Viscous have been more accurate? > 3) Did American radio stations actually blacklist punk or did they simply notice that most of it sucked? > 4) How many angels can dance on the head of a safety pin? > 5) If the Ramones/Talking Heads tour of England in 1976 had been a Styx/Boston tour, would "Anarchy in the UK" have been a power ballad? > -- ______________________________________________________ Great songs @ www.myspace.com/automatmusic www.last.fm/music/David+Doll www.daviddoll.com