Hersh wrote: Speaking of which, I usaually don't care for many music videos, but really liked their video for "Deathbed (Na Na Na)" from Parallel Universe, especially Cliff's solo. It looks like they were having fun making it too : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uBRVNzj1ChU Great tune too! I reply: We had a great time making the video! If you buy the DVD, there's an entire "making of" section that's a lot of fun (I'm not on the DVD, but I'm the very last production assistant credit at the very end of the program.) If memory serves, there were 2 main locations and most of the shooting was done over 3 very long and very hot days (each end-of-summer work day lasted about 14 hours) . Cliff was playing along live (but unplugged) to the audio that I was cueing up for the shots on the day we shot his solo. He nailed it pretty quickly. Even Dave was banging away live, playing along to the song blasting out of the PA. Jon Faye did all the real work though, doing take after take after take getting everything *just right*. He had to sing, play, act, react and hit all the cues. I was mopping the sweat from his face constantly. It's not as easy as it looks, that's for sure. My favorite personal moment can be seen starting at 1:52 in the video. The moment called for Jon to be "ruminating" while chewing a piece of gum. No one on the entire crew had a single piece of gum, and "faking it" just wasn't working. I was chewing a piece of gum and jokingly offered it up to Jon. Yup, he's chewing "pre-chewed" gum in that scene. Gross, but true. Sweat-mopping and used gum chewing: it's all so glamorous! jeff t. P.S. That's the enormously talented Derek Forman of Omnisoul (now The Crash Motive) playing Kane in the video.