--- In audities@yahoogroups.com, wrote: > > I just received my screener copy of the new "Hudson Brothers Razzle Dazzle Show" DVD set, and, wow, am I having some major, major flashbacks right this second. What's funny, though, is that not a one of them actually involve the brothers' music! They're all memories of things like Rod Hull and his emu, the bear, the five Frankenstein monsters creating a person of a different occupation each episode, and the guys being hauled off in a net at the end of each episode. I gotta say, the video quality of these DVDs is fantastic, and the songs sound great, too. Thoroughly recommended if you've got kids...or, of course, if you just want to remember the fun of the Hudson Brothers. :-) > > Best, > > WILL This thread has me thinking about and missing former Audities member Keith Queensen. As some of you may recall, Keith was a HUGE Hudson Brother's fan and a terrific guy. Anyway, he would be so jazzed about this! Also, I'm liking the NY Dolls thread. Cool to see the Midnight Special show. Love that song but FWIW, I'd pick "Trash" as my fav song by them, by a (doll's) hair. Steve D.