We released Klaatu's "Raarities" collection as a special edition vinyl ONLY release in 2005. We've done moderate sales over the last 3 years....about 400 so far I think. This week I got an order from my US distributor for 50 copies. Something is definitely up. Considering putting out some audiophile vinyl of the band's other albums and maybe some older Bullseye catalogue. Oh, wait....I don't have a record label anymore. DOH! Jaimie Vernon, President, Bullseye Records CDs http://www.bullseyecanada.com MP3s http://www.bullseyesongs.com RADIO: http://www.live365.com/stations/donrivermusic BLOG http://www.myspace.com/bullseyecanada SWAG: http://www.cafepress.com/bullseyecanada Author, Canadian Pop Music Encyclopedia http://jam.canoe.ca/Music/Pop_Encyclopedia/ PERSONAL http://www.jaimievernon.com _________________________________________________________________