----- Original Message ----- From: "Sam Smith" To: "Audities" Sent: Thursday, June 05, 2008 10:34 AM Subject: it was 25 years ago today >I wasn't there, but if I had a time machine it's the first place I'd >go: Red Rocks, for /the/ U2 show. > > Of course, one of my old roommates, who'd never HEARD of U2, he was > there. Me too. And let me tell you, it looked cool on MTV, but we were freezing our collective nuts off out there! I recently saw a bit of what I swear is historical revisionism about this concert: a tour diary for the Alarm claims that their opening set performance that day was cancelled due to the weather. Maybe I'm not remembering this correctly, but I swear what really happened is that they were bottled off the stage after a couple of songs. Until U2 came on stage, the general mood there was NOT pleasant. Another one of the great concerts of my youth took place at Red Rocks the week before, the fabled "one of these things is not like the others" lineup of the English Beat (less than a month before they split up), Bow Wow Wow and some little baby band from Georgia called R.E.M. S