Thanks to those who wrote me off-list about my stealthy return to the list. Much appreciated after the rather abysmal 9 months leading up to this one. Meanwhile, my long delayed, but IPO debuted, 3rd solo album 'Nightmare @ 20,000 Watts' is now available. Either as a 28 song MP3 download from my website [] or as a 70 song MP3 multi-media disc featuring outtakes, alternate versions, karaoke tracks and full blown artwork with lyrics. The concept of the album is the death of terrestrial radio. The downloadable MP3s are merely the extracted songs from the concept, but the full blown disc features a mock radio show from an imaginary station playing the last TOP40 playlist of all time. Our very own Bob Segarini is your DJ host. Also, I was eliminated from the IndieTalent Older Idol contest back in Round #2 (mighty big thanks to those who did vote, though!), but now I'm back as part of the Wild Card contingent. If you could vote for me that would be, well, super swell. Winner gets recording time...and I gotta start working on my next project called GRAYE with Todd Miller (and Lawrie Ingles). Todd's also in the contest so if you don't quite dig my song you can vote for his. We plan on sharing the studio time if either of us wins. Jaimie Vernon, President, Bullseye Records SWAG: RADIO: Author, Canadian Pop Music Encyclopedia PERSONAL WEBSITE BLOG: _________________________________________________________________ Try Chicktionary, a game that tests how many words you can form from the letters given. Find this and more puzzles at Live Search Games!