From: Greg York Sent: Thu, 15 May 2008 11:21 am See Brad E. in all his glory, back in the days when he played a 3 piece kit standing up.....Apparently there's an Oprah sighting in the crowd also.... >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> i remember seeing the Brothers in a REALLY odd place here in Boston one summer lunch time....local FM station WBCN was putting on free lunch time shows, musta been 1986 or so, with free hot dogs and stuff, and lo and behold, i heard on the radio one morning they were doing a free show at Boston's Red Sox's Fenway Park, ON the playing field.....well, I HAD to see THAT one.....they broadcast it on the radio and I wish I had that one on tape, but it was a great show, and I bumped into Brad many years later at Poptopia or IPO one year and he remembered that wierd show!!! jim