I'm in... bob Michael Coxe wrote: Hersh Forman wrote: > ...what's the point in forming a new list? It becomes mainly a > "rebranding" exercise. Why not just continue Audities as it is? > Despite the recent fooferah, Audities in my experience is a > very well behaved list with generally civil discord. Stewart Mason replied: > Because Michael wants to wash his hands of list-mod duties, > which is fair enough. Hersh Forman counterpointed: > Michael, do you still wish to give up management of Audities? Absolutely. And have the name changed, for reasons that have been discussed here a number of times. The new name PLUS active, involved administrators AND an understood, followed and enforced list Etiquette policy could do wonders. I am disappointed we've lost the cutover momentum. Wasn't there going to be some sort of steering committe to handle policy and moderation (** enforcement is the prime headache and the key to future success and growth **), with Sarah handling the technical & Web 20 aspects? Are you folks still out there and committed?? I'm willing to assist moving forward by doing some of the ground work myself. I can execute one of two options: (1) rename the list and turn over the reigns, or (2) create the new list on Google Groups (preferred option via the vote if I remember correctly), migrate membership over, and turn over the reigns. Sarah can then step in when she's available. Q: To whom do I hand the reigns? - Michael