Hi all. Adam Marsland here. In the first of our celebrations of the upcoming Dennis Wilson PACIFIC OCEAN BLUE reissue, for the next week, we're offering the best of my band's Wilson material and the best of my original material at about the price of one album. We're selling my band's LONG PROMISED ROAD: SONGS OF DENNIS AND CARL WILSON LIVE (featuring the unreleased DW gem "Wouldn't It Be Niceto Live Again" and a new Evie Sands tune) along with the recent Amazon Top 40 entry DAYLIGHT KISSING NIGHT: ADAM MARSLAND'S GREATEST HITS for $20 including shipping. (For Canada, the price is $23...worldwide, $27) This is less than the absolute lowest price you can find for these two CDs on amazon, half.com, or anywhere else. The reason for the sale: (1) The band is excited about the upcoming PACIFIC OCEAN BLUE release. (2) We're down to the last box of DAYLIGHT KISSING NIGHT CDs, and anew shipment arrives Monday. We'd like to kill the last box. (3) The garage where we store our CDs is undergoing remodeling, and we need to make room; and (4) We want people to hear the music! To get the twofer CD deal just go to our myspace page, and click the link in blue or at our (soon to be reconstructed!) homepage, www.adammarsland.com. The offer expires May 10...one week from now. For those of you who already have the LONG PROMISED ROAD CD but haven't checked out the original music, amazon.com currently has copies of DAYLIGHTKISSING NIGHT for less than $4. DKN is the best of my stuff going back to the Cockeyed Ghost days, with 7 new or reworked tracks, full lyrics and sterling remastering by Earle Mankey. Thanks for reading, gang, and thanks to those that have supported everything that's happened in the last few months. I also just posted a myspace blog about plans for touring in the summer and a new studio album, if anyone is interested. Alright, back to the pop. thanks all adam marsland www.myspace.com/adammarsland ************** Wondering what's for Dinner Tonight? Get new twists on family favorites at AOL Food. (http://food.aol.com/dinner-tonight?NCID=aolfod00030000000001)