I hate to be pessimistic, but Dave Clark promised all of this before--specifically, when Hollywood issued the History Of The DC5 double-set in 1993.? At that time, he was also promising a rarities-laden boxed set.? If it does come to pass, I'll join the cheering with gusto, but I'll need a little more convincing first. (That said, I think it's all well within the realm of plausibility that he means it this time, and I certainly hope he does.) This Is Rock 'n' Roll Radio with Dana & Carl, Sunday nights from 9 to Midnight at www.westcottradio.org -----Original Message----- From: Michael Coxe To: Auditeers Sent: Mon, 14 Apr 2008 12:38 pm Subject: Fwd: DC5 disc reissues update Posted to Spectropop by present/former? Audities subscriber Marc Miller? ? -------- Original Message --------? Subject: [Spectropop] DC5 update? Date: Sun, 13 Apr 2008 19:01:03 -0700 (PDT)? From: Marc Miller <>? ? "..."I will get a package out by the fall," Clark? told Billboard, Apr 4, 2008. "I have been approached? by three of the majors and a few retailers." Clark? says he will lead the relaunch with "The History Of? . . .," then move to a single-disc hits album and a? spread of studio catalog releases, which number 23? albums in all..."? ? YAY!? ? Marc? ?