Michael McCartney of The Time Machine Radio Show in Hawaii called me this past weekend. Not only has he been playing my music on his radio show for the past year (unbeknownst to me) he also asked to do a on-air interview with me. He played a couple of my songs, we talked about my music, Charlotte Pop Fest, and I even hung out in the online chatroom for a little bit. It was a blast! I wish there were more DJs out there like Michael playing music just because it's great music! The great thing is the portion of the show I was on is available as a podcast from the show's Web site at: http://www.thetimemachine.fm I also posted an edited version featuring just my two songs and my interview (so I wouldn't get into any trouble with iTunes). You can subscribe via iTunes: http://www.itunes.com/podcast?id=126288866 Or download/stream the podcast in MP3-format at: http://www.charlottepopfest.com P.S. I couldn't resist keeping the last few seconds of 'So Good to See You' by Cheap Trick as part of the podcast because it sounds so awesome having one of my own songs follow a song by one of my major influences. Oh, and during the interview when I site Cheap Trick as one of my influences I had no idea that Michael had played Cheap Trick before 'The Way She Loves Me.' -- Download my album FREE at: http://www.jamesdeem.com http://www.myspace.com/jamesdeem Charlotte Pop Fest - July 4th & 5th, 2008 http://www.charlottepopfest.com