I love that band and have all the vinyl-sadly none is on cd that I know of. Growing up in IL when I went off to college I found out that the state only had two areas. Chicagoland and all other. At the time the band was all the rage in Chicagoland so many of us from all other found out about them. When the freshmen went back home for Christmas break many brought the Phil 'n The Blanks album with them so it had heavy party play. They had a strong funky new wave B-52's vibe. Check out YouTube for some vids. http://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=phil+n+the+blanks&search_type= Not sure how many songs there are about visectomy, but their musical homage to the delicate procedure would rank in the top five for sure: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zBPG4L_djfg Scott S > Whenever this thread comes along, I'm reminded of "Phil 'n The Blanks," > which I think was a clever band name. Never heard anything by 'em > though... > > > Be seeing you, > Bill > _____________________________________________________________ > Stop foreclosure. Click here to stay in your home and rebuild credit. > http://thirdpartyoffers.juno.com/TGL2121/fc/Ioyw6i3meXxZTDp5n7Bwz9C5P2K5mU6dX2D5TGp3K7Yw4A65qjwOCd/ > > >