----- Original Message ----- From: "lauree mcardle" To: ; Sent: Saturday, April 05, 2008 12:43 PM Subject: The Whitsundays > http://www.myspace.com/thewhitsundays > > can anyone tell me about them? diggin' a few of these tunes... They're from Edmonton, Alberta and they're something of a supergroup: the singer/songwriter is from an indie band called the Faunts and the rhythm section is from a quite LCD Soundsystem-like band called Shout Out Out Out Out. Pretty much the whole album sounds like the songs on the Myspace page: there are a lot of direct cops from the Zombies (lots of breathy vocals and electric piano solos), but overall, they mostly sound kind of like Belle and Sebastian. I like the album on the whole, but there are aspects that bug me a bit, especially the decision to bury all the vocals in reverb. S