Well, when I fuck up I fuck up in a grandiose way. Where to start? With an apology to Bob. I am very sorry. My rant was way out of line, a huge mistake and I realized after sending it I'd screwed up in a major way. I saw the Audities message about CDN's not talking about themselves and the name GREG popped out at me, which probably referred to Godovitz (who to my knowledge isn't on Audities and is a super swell fellow from my brief correspondences with him.) For some reason, my mind read Greg as BOB, and I flipped. I've read on Audities a few too many times people think Bob is a Canuck, probably cos, well he's lived here for like forever. Bob is clearly not a fave of mine in any way, but yeesh, I'm a clod. Er, dork. The bit about Bob's birthplace I grabbed from Wikipedia. Unintentional misspelling of his surname atrocious icing on the cake. regards, Judith Born: San Francisco Went to Canada, (Montreal), to record a Wackers album in 1971. Fell in love with Montreal. After recording another album and numerous live appearances, moved the band there in 1972. As a result of this move we lost guitarist/singer/songwriter Michael Stull, who went on to become a voice over artist for Hanna Barbara and numerous commercials in the U.S. He died tragically, in his early '50's, several years ago. Became a "Landed Immigrant" in Canada in 1974. Became a "Canadian Resident" shortly thereafter. Have spent more than half my life in my adopted country, and love it even more than I did when I moved here. I always thought you were a bit of a dork, Judith, and this proves it. Not only iwas your post pissy and uncalled for, your information is innacurate and without merit. A self-proclaimed Canarican since 1972. bob beeman@istar.ca wrote: People please set your clocks to the information that Bob Segarini is NOT Canadian. Unless, omg, he became a cdn citizen after draft dodging to Eastern Canada lo those many years ago OR maybe it was just an extended vacation OR the band just loved the city (those winters are real nice.) His words and actions on this list prove he's not a Canadian and never will be. Maybe he's learned some French, might even toss in the occasional "eh" but this man doesn't have and never will be a true Canadian spirit. regards, Judith > Bob Segarini (born August 28, 1945 in Stockton, California) is a > recording artist, >singer, song writer and composer.