Gosh, I belong to a TR group, but I have to say the threads here are far more interesting. I am happy I sent that "Hideaway" video to kick start it. I really love your bits of info , Paul. I am not surprised that an XTC member likes "Hermit", but I haven't read any interviews with that type of information. Wonder which TR rtelease Andy enjoys. By all means, keep us updated on this book. I am definitely up for that. Thanks, Gene [who named his son Todd Robert so he could be a TR. It was my ex-wife's idea] > Date: Tue, 11 Mar 2008 11:47:36 -0700 > From: pulmyears@gmail.com > To: audities@smoe.org > Subject: Funny you should mention Todd!! > > I'm actually putting together a book, for next year sometime, about Todd's > studio work - both as an artist and as a producer, separate sections. > I'll second some of the people here who've voted for "Heaven's Falling", the > Cheap Trick version is so closely modelled on Todd's demo that Robin Zander > even articulates words the same way as Todd (by the way on that same album, > Nielsen wrote a very Todd like "I Can't Take It" - both of those songs are > SUPER AMAZING POWER POP PROTOTYPES! > I also think "Couldn't I Just Tell You" is the power pop song that launched > a thousand ships (bands?). > "A Dream Goes On Forever" > "Determination" (from Hermit, which I believe is also Dave Gregory of XTC's > favourite Todd disc... or so I have read). > "Real Man" great soul pop ballad. > "I Saw The Light" > "It Wouldn't Have Made Any Difference" > > here's some honourable mentions > > the first verse of "Does Anybody Love You" is awesome then the sloppy drums > come in and it doesn't feel as cool anymore. > "Baby Let's Swing" with it's Laura Nyro-fied opening is a great trilogy. > > And I always wished that he'd done "Something To Fall Back On" as a power > pop rock song and not an acapella (sampler) experiment. > > Last thought, I must have said this a million times but does anyone else > wish that Daryl Hall would just record the Todd songbook? > His voice is perfect for Todd's material, more perfect than Todd's (sadly, > IMHO). > > Nice to hear some Todd talk around here. > > > Paul > Hermit of Berkeley North _________________________________________________________________ Helping your favorite cause is as easy as instant messaging. You IM, we give. http://im.live.com/Messenger/IM/Home/?source=text_hotmail_join